The Prada Group has always offered its customers after-sales service, including repairs, for all its products of all brands, anywhere in the world, firmly believing that a luxury product is meant to last. Thanks to its tradition of craftsmanship, the maintenance and restoration of its luxury products to prolong their life as much as possible are fundamental to the Group’s sustainability strategy and long-term vision of circularity.


The repair service is granted by highly qualified craftspeople and is operated both centrally, in Italy, and locally, thanks to a network of repair labs directly managed by the Group in 7 countries (United States, Japan, China, Korea, Singapore, Russia and United Arab Emirates) and more than 100 dedicated people. The network ensures proximity service to the customer by reducing repair times, while allowing transportation-related emissions to be limited. All labs cover the primary markets in which the Group operates and handle the three main product categories, namely leather goods, clothing and footwear.