Prada Group is committed to operating in an ethical and responsible way, and asks the Prada People - meaning Group’s directors, executives, supervisory bodies, managers, employees and other collaborators - and its business partners to operate accordingly and in compliance with:

  • Prada Group’s Code of Ethics, its policies and core values;
  • Human Rights;
  • Principles on the matters of Diversity, Equity and Inclusivity;
  • Laws and Regulations;
  • Measures by Public Authorities;
  • Model 231 and/or company procedures.


The Group strongly encourages all its stakeholders to report any potential, highly probable, or committed wrong, dishonest or illegal activity, in addition to behaviors causing damage or detriment, including image damage, to the Prada Group. For this purpose, the Group has implemented specific rules and a whistleblowing process to provide potential Whistleblowers secure channels that guarantee the confidentiality of their identity as well as the information contained in the report and their protection against any retaliation.


Prada Group has made available an external digital platform, managed by a specialized third party, in order to ensure the effectiveness and confidentiality of the reporting process and provide extensive and indiscriminate access to all those who want to make a whistleblowing report, even anonymously (both in written and oral form). Whistleblowers are encouraged to favour the platform, accessible from both from the www.pradagroup.com website and the company intranet, over other forms of communication provided for internal reporting, to guarantee the highest level of protection provided by the applicable laws.   


What does the Prada Group do after receiving the whistleblowing?

The Whistleblowing process consists of the following steps:

  • Receipt and assignment of whistleblowing reports;
  • Preliminary assessment;
  • Investigation;
  • Investigation results;
  • Closing of reports;
  • Remedial action and/or improvement.

The Internal Audit Department verifies the whistleblowing received in order to ascertain the facts described. The results of the investigation and the proposal of the prevention/mitigation/penalty measures to take will be submitted to the Ethics Committee which will assess their appropriateness and, if necessary, will request further analyses.


Whistleblowing disclosures other than those described above will not be dealt with, in particular those referred to commercial requests and complaints. In case of groundless whistleblowing disclosures, made in bad faith or with gross negligence, the Prada Group reserves the right to act in defense of its own interests or damaged parties.


Whistleblowing reports can be also sent to the address whistleblowing@pradagroup.com or to the ordinary mail, at the address: Prada S.p.A., Via Antonio Fogazzaro 28, 20135 Milan, Italy (K.a. Group Audit Director).

If through the above mentioned channels the Whistleblowers request a meeting, the Ethics Committee will be open to meet them to collect the report.